It all adds up...


Kickstart Scheme and apprenticeship incentives extended

Speaking at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak announced extensions to both the Kickstart Scheme and incentives to employers to take on apprentices. The Kickstart Scheme Government support for the Kickstart Scheme, which helps employers offer work placements to 16-24 year olds on Universal Credit will be extended to March 2022 […]


Six steps to secure finance for your business

Six steps to secure finance for your business Lots of businesses are seeking out finance at the moment, whether to fund an acquisition or finance investment, but given the challenges the economy faces, it is becoming increasingly difficult to secure the right deal. If a business hasn’t sought out finance for a while or there […]


Buying a business – Top tips to secure the best deal

Buying a business – Top tips to secure the best deal  Have you ever considered buying a business? Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out, acquiring a ‘ready-made’ business offers a number of advantages. For established businesses, buying a second company can help them break into new markets or acquire machinery, skilled […]


MTD for Income Tax delayed – What it means for you

MTD for Income Tax delayed – What it means for you  Unincorporated businesses have heaved a sigh of relief after the Government delayed the date for the implementation of Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) by one year to 2024. Hit hard by the pandemic, it will give these businesses, including the […]


Received a CJRS compliance check? Act now!

Received a CJRS compliance check? Act now! The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) ended in September but many firms could still be subject to a CJRS compliance check in the weeks and months ahead. HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has been sending out letters to employers throughout the year telling them they need to pay […]