It all adds up...

Samantha Hill

Our Payroll Manager, Samantha Hill, has been working within payroll for over 35 years. In her first role, Samantha started with in-house payroll doing manual calculations for about 50 employees.

She then moved to a large organisation with around 12,000 employees and mainly looked after the executives’ payroll while managing a team of five payroll administrators.

Samantha took a career break for five years to have children before starting back at a new accountancy firm, then moved to full time with a team of five payroll administrators to look after in the company’s Birmingham office.

She was with the company for 17 years before moving to AGS in 2014. Whilst part of our team, she has worked on various payroll systems over the years and saw lots of changes. One of her main satisfactions is taking on a payroll that has been poorly run and turning it around to meet Government guidelines.

Samantha got married in 1985 and has now got two grown-up boys. Oliver is married, and Joshua is due to get married in October 2022. They have both moved out of the nest, leaving Samantha with her husband Martin and two cats. A Maine Coon called Brady and a Tortoiseshell called Jules. They all support the American Football team New England Patriots!